My work orientates around the people in my life; I engage with family relationships and histories using video, text and photography to expose the details I have uncovered about my family. I hope to be able to represent my own perceptions of my family and friends but relate it to the audience at the same time. I want the pieces I produce to let the audience reflect on themselves or their family relationships.
Using data collected from family members I am constructing videos that encourage the viewers, to think about how they would be remembered. I am particularly interested in this memory topic as not a lot of my family understand art so I want to make art accessible to people outside of the artworld. My choice to focus on identity and memory is to let an audience relate to the topic instead of being introduced to materials they aren’t familiar with.
A point of reference is Gillian Wearing’s ‘2 into 1’ video which highlights the relationship between parents and their children. Wearing uses a juxtaposition between archiving and personal material which has always been a key aspect of my work. I look for a cohesion between the two that will invite the audience to reflect upon themselves more than the subject matter in front of them. My video work uses interviews of my own family members to bring about reflection on family life and issues dealt with in a household setting.
Recent works
Artist Statement
New Series - June 2017
People's Choice Series
A New series based on people's habits. In particular how each person walks around a gallery space. After finishing my degree in June a few of us have taken our artworks to London to exhibit. We curated the show and expected people to walk around in a certain fashion but as we watched they did not. I wanted to record these differences showing how people do not do what you expect of them.
To see more of these works click on picture to the right.
Text and Map
My text and Map series are focusing on memory and identity. Are made by our experiences and family or are we just made the way we are. I use mapping and text to work through my own thoughts and feelings on how I feel about the subject.
To see more of these works click on the picture to the left.
I often do photography as a hobby but since 2013 I have sometimes been commissioned to do photography for others.
If you click on the photograph to the right you will find some of the shoots I have done which are all hobby related or for projects at university.
Degree Show 2017, Hardwick Gallery was a HUGE success and I am excited to annouce that our exhibition in London at the R.K.Burt Gallery was too.
Now Us Exhibition was received well and if possible we are hoping to do another show in the future.
Line Drawings
Video/Film Works
"As you get older"
This 12 minute video is the accumulation of a years worth of research and investigation into family relationships.
The film looks into sibling rivalry, death and parent-child relationships; exploring how an audience can relate to other families.
I invite you to watch it, wondering how family issues are explored and solved.
To see more of these works click picture to the right.
Curatorial Study
Since our 2nd Year Interim Shows at University I have become fascinated by the creation of an Art Exhibition. I enjoy every aspect from the paperwork to the advertisement to the layout of the exhibition itself.
After 3rd Year interim Shows and my Degree Show 2017, I have decided to pursue this passion by further looking into creating an Exhibition outside of University.
In June this became a reality, I co-curated a London exhibition and it went amazingly well with all artists receiving praise from the visitors.